Statement of Faith
Mycology Psychology is a spiritual community that believes in the divine nature of every being. At Mycology Psychology, we embrace a holistic understanding of spiritual wellness that encompasses the physical, mental, relationship, and spiritual aspects of human flourishing. We believe that divine wisdom, as illuminated by our Sacrament, holds the key to our well-being in all dimensions.
Central to our faith is the acknowledgment that our Sacraments, psilocybin mushrooms and huachuma cactus, are sacred gifts bestowed upon humanity. Each of these Sacraments has an unbroken lineage of thousands of years in indigenous cultures as sacred and we believe these Sacraments are divine teachers and guides in this lifetime. Only through the sincere religious use of our Sacraments can participants understand the moral, ethical, spiritual wisdom, and psycho-spiritual healing of its divine nature, along with our own divine nature.
We believe that psycho-spiritual healing happens best when participants use our Sacraments in community, and with guidance and support. The pillars of our spiritual practice are to weave together the divine wisdom of our Sacraments into the lives of participants, guided by teachers, trauma-informed guidance, multi-modality support, consciously cultivated medicine, whole & nourishing food, and structured preparation and integration. We believe that our Sacraments invite you to participate in the psycho-spiritual healing and growth process. Your observations and intentions, with guidance from the Sacrament, are what allow the transformation. The Sacraments teach us that resilient communities are ones that come together and adapt. Based on that teaching, we offer a wide variety of psycho-spiritual integration services in a community setting to maximize your spiritual insights.
Mycology Psychology is a syncretic spiritual practice that weaves eternal, moral, ethical, and spiritual guidance from many traditions into its practices and ceremonies. These traditions include the Persian, Muslim, Jewish, Celtic, Vedic, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, and indigenous spiritual wisdom and practices from North and South American peoples including the Mazatec people. A core tenant of our practice is the essential power and eternal nature of divine love, as a unifying force for all sentient beings, and as revealed, cultivated and enhanced by our divine Sacraments. Our members and participants seek to live consistent with the moral, ethical, and spiritual truth and love revealed by our Sacraments. Other core values taught and illuminated by our Sacraments include oneness with divine source, self-realization of divine purpose, enlightenment in this lifetime, altruism, forgiveness, acceptance, equality, gratitude, compassion, interdependence, non-discrimination, kindness, non-hatred, mutual aid, selflessness, environmental sustainability, and non-dual co-existence.
Through use of our Sacraments, we come to terms with the death of our physical body and understanding of eternal nature of the soul and the continuation of the Soul in the Spirit Realms and other dimensions after Death. Our Sacraments teach us that the Soul itself is limitless and eternal. We believe in reincarnation and our Sacraments illuminate that truth. Our souls, as manifestations of energy, continue their journey through successive lives. The specific mechanisms of reincarnation are not rigidly defined in our doctrine, but the essence remains: life transitions and evolves rather than ceases.
We believe that our bodies are sacred vessels through which we experience spiritual growth and connection. Therefore, we prioritize caring for our bodies by adopting nourishing diets and engaging in regular exercise. By maintaining physical health and vitality, individuals can enhance their receptivity to spiritual experiences and deepen their connection with the divine.
At Mycology Psychology, we are committed and connected to the traditional roots of our Sacraments and the spiritual practices around them; as well as constantly evolving from higher learning, innovation, and feedback. Our Sacraments reflect this deep devotion. Our Sacraments are created in Oaxaca, Mexico, hand-in-hand with master cultivators, in a spiritual container where each Sacrament receives respect and prayers worthy of the practice. 
Sacrament is also always maintained consistent with a diversion prevention plan to ensure that no Sacrament is diverted from a religious purpose. During any ceremony involving Sacraments, we will have on hand individuals trained in basic life support, at a minimum to ensure safety. All participants and members are properly screened to ensure they do not have medical or mental health contraindications with the Sacraments.
We create and hold sacred space to honor and connect to the Earth, to the divine and to each other. We engage in seasonal rituals and ceremony with Sacrament. We pray, sing, meditate and commune with the natural world and our souls.
We gather in places of strong spiritual energy, generally in a setting near or in a natural setting of nature. We consider the following days to be holy days: summer and winter solstice, fall and spring equinox, all full moons and new moons, and days set aside to honor our spirit guides and protectors. Ceremonies occur in compliance with dietary and lifestyle restrictions, including abstaining from alcohol and the use of drugs and alcohol in the days leading up to ceremony. Sexual intercourse is also discouraged for several days in advance of ceremony.
Membership is open to all adults interested in joining our community who take part in our screening process. Membership is requested by expressed interest (joining our Facebook group, making a donation, or any other form of expressed intent), and is granted upon that expressed interest. All Members must agree that they either agree with our doctrine or are interested in exploring if this spiritual practice is right for them. Membership is not required to participate in Ceremonies or to acquire Sacraments to explore our spiritual practices. We ask that our members stay active in the community by attending at minimum one gathering, service, integration meeting or retreat per month.
Mycology Psychology was founded by Rome Shadanloo. Rome Shadanloo is a psychedelic facilitator specializing in CPTSD and attachment injury. She studied holistic psychology and has a focus in psychoneuroimmunology working to ease chronic pain rooted in the emotional life of the mind. Rome’s practice includes the various modalities of internal family systems, reparenting work, quantum healing and she is a certified death doula. Her unique empathy for the individuality of each nervous system laid the ground for her practice which supports the healing of the individual not just from their psychology outward but through a fully embodied approach to the restoration of a healthy life. Her desire to be of service led her to a life in mental health and from an early age Rome found herself called to be in connection with those in struggle. Rome went on to do extensive work in the field in a variety of roles at Proposition 36 rehab facilities that specifically serve the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated, including on the spot counseling for those in urgent crisis. Rome was born in Tehran, Iran and fled the tragic conflicts there for the US at the age of 3. Her family settled in Los Angeles where she currently resides and practices. She has a deep interest in the multi-faceted groundbreaking modalities that are currently changing the way we view and treat mental health. She founded this spiritual practice based on a deep mystical insight that the insight and healing provided by the Sacraments should be shared with the world as broadly as ethically possible.
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